Suffolk Flea Market
Last Update:  08/24/24
Sell On-Line!!!


Estate SALE Items Avalable!!!

Contact: C. J. -- 757-615-6966


Suffolk Flea Market -- Online Flea Market Shopping
Suffolk, Virginia USA
757-615-6966 - Cell
Facebook:  cj white




Your On-Line Location for Flea Market Purchases and Sales Straight from Your Own Home, Office, or Anywhere!
Got stuff at home and want go get rid of it? Maybe it's too good to just throw away? Well sell it! Make yourself a little extra money and put it back into circulation for someone else for whom it might be just the right thing. Remember "one man's trash is another man's treasure".
Although this site is based out of Suffolk Virginia USA, it is open for selling and buying from all locations in the US and the World. This is why it is here so that people anywhere can buy or sell items from one location without leaving home. The site does not perform the SALE or PURCHASE transaction, but merely the venue for Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Regular Stores - Brick & Mortar Stores, Services, Pop Up Stores,Internet Stores, Swap Meets, and More to be displayed. You will make your sales and purchases directly from the actual stores by contacting the buyers or sellers from their contact info listed.
 Our goal here it to provide a space "venue" for you to display your store / items to be accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime.




Estate SALE Items!!!
Many Items Still Available

Contact: C. J. -- 757-615-6966








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Suffolk Flea Market -- A SMSS Company